Episode 2: Peanut Butter (Jake Pauwels)
Recorded: October 11, 2024
Published: October 18, 2024
Guest: Jake Pauwels, known online as “Adventures in Aardia” and the creator of the hugely popular “Roll For Sandwich” series of Dungeons & Dragons-themed sandwich videos, in which he randomly generates sandwiches 3 times weekly using D&D dice and spins engaging narratives around each roll.
(1:13) Barry, Jon, and Jim welcome Jake Pauwels to discuss the weird things people put in their peanut butter sandwiches, with honorable mentions for sandwich-themed mock elections, incessant infographics purporting to list the most representative sandwich for each US state, and the best sandwiches to eat with a beer.
Here’s the episode on Spotify:
Here it is on YouTube:
And here is it on Apple: